Committee of Activities

The Committee of Activities (Actico) organizes all the events that will take place throughout the year. This means that we are responsible for fun activities such as parties, socials, and movie nights.

As a member of the Committee of Activities, you will meet approximately once a week to discuss upcoming events, and your ideas will be highly valued. There are many things to organize, discuss, and arrange. For example, the themes of the parties, the corresponding decorations, which movie will be shown, which speaker we want to invite, where we will go, and where to hang the piñata. Tasks are of course divided, and you will be expected to contribute and help both during the preparations and the events themselves.

Being a member is not only a lot of fun, but also a great way to learn a lot and meet new people. As a member of the Committee of Activities, you have the chance to shape your time at the SVS! If you have ambitions and want to become part of the board next year, this is also the perfect way to gain experience.

Want to become a committee member?

Would you like to join? Then send an email to with a short motivation, your name, year of study, email address, and phone number. We hope to hear from you soon!

Jaap Salverda
Commissioner of Activities 2024-2025

For specific questions, comments, or ideas for the Committee of Activities, you can send an email to

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